We get drunk and rape our children!

Rape incident in Delhi last month was brutal but I was not surprised. Because women in a vulnerable situation are exploited by men across the country. In cities women are molested more often in public spaces. Rape is an everyday incident outside cities. Women are raped by father, brother, neighbour, driver, insurgent, extremist, politician and police across India. A woman is raped every 22 minutes in India. In our capital city alone there was more than 600 reported incidents of rape last year. So why should I be surprised? I am more surprised about Kerala, where it seems that we only want to get drunk and rape infants & children.

An individual and his friends are accused of rape by his 6 year old child. Another is to be hanged for raping a 15 year old. Father and his two sons are accused of raping 6 & 9 year old sisters living neighbourhood. Father, uncle & 15 year old brother are accused of rape by a 15 year old. Kerala police have registered 715 rape cases in 2012 till September of which 286 victims were minors. There is an increasing trend of raping minors in Kerala.

Kerala is literate. Foeticide is more or less nil. Economically and socially, Kerala is better than many anywhere in the world. But still we treat women as lesser mortals. Women are not cared but exploited. Since women are more aware and stand against atrocities, we turn to our children. Cocktail is complete with alcohol. We get drunk and rape our own children. Our heads and thoughts are diseased!


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