
Showing posts from 2015

Stray dogs and mosquitoes

Lately, stray dogs are in news. As they cannot speak for themselves, we speak for them and against. It was when I were in Bangalore that I first realized that stray dogs can become public nuisance. But I felt protected indoors, be it house, office or car. Late night movies were when I were troubled. I would step out of a multiplex, watching a batman movie, and would have only dogs as company. Some would be ferocious. A batman will not come for rescue. It was never safe. One day, there was an incident of a dog taking a 2 or 3 month old infant from a house and bit a good portion of baby's face. Still people were divided by their opinion. If we profile people who speak for stray dogs, all of them are from higher socio-economic background. They will come out to voice their support for stray dogs, with sunscreens and glasses to protect themselves from the indifferent sun. We do not hear anybody from this background getting attacked by a stray dog. It's not that dogs beware them or...

Gujarat and Kerala

All icons of industry are excited about the Gujarat state. Everybody wants to have their factory there. When Modi was ruling the state, they were eulogising him for his achievements. Across the country, people were taking their pilgrimage to Gujarat, to understand what this state offers that others could not. People from Kerala too - politicians, businessmen, government officials, etc made trips. Those who couldn't go had media to feed their appetite. All had only one message to share - it would be wonderful to turn Kerala into a Gujarat. Recently, I got to be in Gujarat for a week. I had been to Vapi, Daman (Union Territory), Surat, Bharuch, Jhagadia and Vadodara. I have these varied opinions about the state. Most of the hotels there are vegetarian, but many of them serve egg. Industries operate in earmarked land, operated by GIDC (Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation). They have multiple estates in every district, focusing on sectors. Almost all these industrial estat...

Restaurants: Gone in 60 days

What explains restaurants closing down in 60 days from opening, in Kochi? A restaurant should offer two things - hygiene and quality food - to stay in business. But cost of running and price of food is what that decides the viability of restaurant as a business. Now, if we ponder about it, most of them that got closed tick the first two items. Where they have gone wrong is in their cost and price. First let us deal price. Any one would love to get a tea for three rupees. But it is not on offer in Kochi, where the price would range from 5 to 500! I am talking about restaurants only. Why the difference? Any tea in the price range will be of quality and, made & served at a hygiene place. Yes, tea could be made better. Which explains them priced between 10 to 30. Beyond that, we are not paying for tea. We are paying for ambience, service, exclusivity, parking, family friendly and as rent for the real estate that we occupy. The last point explains pricing at modern cafes and high str...