
Showing posts from May, 2015

Gujarat and Kerala

All icons of industry are excited about the Gujarat state. Everybody wants to have their factory there. When Modi was ruling the state, they were eulogising him for his achievements. Across the country, people were taking their pilgrimage to Gujarat, to understand what this state offers that others could not. People from Kerala too - politicians, businessmen, government officials, etc made trips. Those who couldn't go had media to feed their appetite. All had only one message to share - it would be wonderful to turn Kerala into a Gujarat. Recently, I got to be in Gujarat for a week. I had been to Vapi, Daman (Union Territory), Surat, Bharuch, Jhagadia and Vadodara. I have these varied opinions about the state. Most of the hotels there are vegetarian, but many of them serve egg. Industries operate in earmarked land, operated by GIDC (Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation). They have multiple estates in every district, focusing on sectors. Almost all these industrial estat...