Startup ecosystem in Kerala
How good is the startup ecosystem in Kerala? Where do we stand? What do we lack? What can be done? These are some questions for us when we see the startup frenzy happening elsewhere in India. The question hits us hard when we see the growing success of Byju’s. Why Byju’s did not happen from Kerala? The State Of Kerala Startup Ecosystem 2019 published by Kerala Startup Mission [KSUM] details a lot about where we are now. You can read that here . An analysis of the startup ecosystem can be found here . A guide on how to startup in Kerala can be accessed here . Clearly, the government is doing a lot to get the ecosystem to work and nurture a potential unicorn from Kerala. The central government has even recognised the state as a leader across all pillars of the startup ecosystem for the 2nd time in 2019. It seems like we are doing everything possible and we just have to wait patiently for a success story. It is not that simple. Indian startups seem to have received $10.14 billion in fun...