GKSF has more to do to convince corporates

GKSF went past with out enticing many shoppers. This was on the expected lines. GKSF lacks leadership commitment and a sound strategy.

Strategy part was discussed in an earlier post. To add to that, the event was marketed only by few sub-standard TVCs and outdoor ads. Also there were few occasional claims by various ministers including home minister. I failed to understand the involvement of home minister to declare the event a grand success. Few prize winners announced during the event would have done wonders. The brand GKSF was hijacked by many jewelers in their ads as if the prize money is from them.

It is known that GKSF is a government initiative but who is leading and driving the event. Is ministers the right people to drive such an event? Is it such an event that we would not need a full time CEO who would promote the event round the year and across the world?

To sum it up, GKSF got a long way to go to prove its worth for any budget to be allocated by a sound marketing manager.


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