National Consumer Helpline number is 1800-11-4000

In the month of November '10 National Consumer Helpline [NCH] recorded 5413 calls. Maximum number of calls were received from Delhi followed by Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Kerala, even with high literacy and consumer awareness, is probably not making use of this service well.

Call 1800-11-4000 (from MTNL & BSNL lines). Toll-free helpline provides information, advice or guidance for dealing with his/her consumer problems in the following sectors/products:
  • LPG, Electricity, Telecom, Banking, Insurance, Credit cards, Automobiles, Postal, Courier, water, Transport, Education and Medical etc.
  • Domestic Home Appliances in the range of computers, handycam, Acs, Microwave, Television, Coolers, Fans, Washing Machines, Gas burner, Water Purifier, Mobile Phone, VCD/DVD/CD Player, Food Processor, Invertors and Shoes etc.


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