What we should do instead of celebrating women's day?
Published on Substack on 8-Mar-23 - https://utopiankerala.substack.com/p/what-we-should-do-instead-of-celebrating Another Women's Day and there is no dearth of wishes and messages for women. I believe this is not helping anyone. We should do something else. Let me try listing a few things that anyone who is reading this can do. What women should be doing? Open a sole bank account, if you don't have one. It should not be a joint account with your spouse. You should be operating the card, cheque, internet banking, etc and not your spouse. This is the first step towards financial freedom. Start driving a car. It is not enough that you have a driving licence. If you don't have a licence, get one. If it is within your means buy a car in your name. This will give you the freedom to go places. Read a newspaper daily, including the editorials. Keep an appetite to know what is happening in society, economy, politics and sports. This will make you an interesting human with whom peop...