Kerala's debt is Rs.71,000 crore

The Economic Review of Kerala indicates mounting burden of debt on the state. Key figures from that are, total debt of the State increased from Rs. 20,176.10 crore in 1999-2000 to Rs. 70,969 crore in 2009-10, debt/GSDP ratio is 30.81 per cent during 2009-10 and an increase in per capita debt from Rs.11,478 in 2004 to Rs.16,074 in 2008. The below table (Source: The Hindu) indicates yearly figures. 

News reports can be read from Economic Times and The Hindu.

Kerala is unique in many ways and so is the debt scenario. Successive governments keep adding to the existing burden and the 'hill' has become a 'mountain' now. It is now a 'serious concern', as quoted in the Economic Review. The only factor that we can showcase against this debt is our overall Human Development, be it healthcare and access to various natural resources and livelihood.


  1. Our HDI is high not because of the government work because more than half of our working population is outside the state. The most literate and narrow minded state in the country.

  2. Yes, that's a relevant viewpoint. A glass half full can also be seen as half empty!


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