1,725 IT companies in Kerala

As per Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, there are 1,725 registered IT companies in Kerala as on 31st January, 2011. Kerala ranks 8th among Indian states with number of IT companies. Delhi, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, West Bengal and Gujarat ranks above Kerala in the same order.

Totally there are 58,824 registered IT companies in India as on 31st January, 2011. That means Kerala accounts for 3% of registered IT companies in India.

Kerala is well positioned to have a better figure. It is because of the lack of political will and below par outreach campaigns by the government machinery that we have fewer numbers. A conducive business environment exist in Kerala for IT companies. The general notion of Kerala as not a business friendly state is not true in the case of service sectors like IT, Financial Services and Tourism.

People are still waiting for projects with magnitude as proposed by Smart City. IT parks developed as a hub and spoke model are appreciable but Kerala still need and has the potential to create a huge  independent ecosystem for IT companies with ambitions across the world.


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